Tim Horton
Kool and the Gang
Helge Teschner
musical, independent
Glen Crosby
DCI, WGI, Cerritos High School
Chris Thomas
Longwood University, Just Drums
Thom Hannum
University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Carolina Crown, DCI Hall of Fame
Nils Fischer
Timbazo, CaboCubaJazz, World Music Department of Codarts
Hisae Hirako
打楽器奏者, 国立音楽大学・東京音楽大学吹奏楽アカデミー非常勤講師
Lamon Lawhorn
Virginia State University
Akane Ishiguro
Hiroshi Sakagami
元大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団 打楽器奏者
the Cycle, Dasein, Daida Laida
Anders Meinhardt
Medina, F.U.K.T., independent