Chris Retschulte
Rock Hill High School
Kris Bowering
Orville Peck
Gijs Anders van Straalen
Wouter Hamel, independent, session
Joe Hobbs
Bluecoats, Vandegrift High School
Janna Graham
West Side Story, Oat Milk
Josh Griffin
Caligula's Horse
Rodney Howard
Avril Lavigne
Sho Irikawa
札幌交響楽団 首席ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
Pierrick Lambert
H-TAAG, independent
Alex Kuldell
U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Tomohiro Yahiro
Dave Simmons
KC & The Sunshine Band , Concha Buika, Wayne Wonder
Matt Abts
Gov’t Mule, Planet of the Abts