


Pearl Summer Internship Program
2024 Applications Now Closed

About the Pearl Internship Program

Pearl is a worldwide leader in drum and percussion instrument manufacturing. Our unique internship program provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain a real-world competitive advantage and insights into the marketing and distribution of percussion instruments in the U.S. Intern placement is within Pearl’s Marketing and Sales departments with emphasis placed on Drumset, Marching Percussion, Concert Percussion, and Hand Percussion product lines. Each summer a limited number of places for internships are available. We look forward to meeting you!



To take part in the 2024 Internship program, applicants must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

  • ☑ Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program at a college or university both at the time of application and during the Internship.
  • ☑ Preferred fields of study including but not limited to Marketing, Advertising, Music Business, Public Relations, Graphic Design, and Media.
  • ☑ 2-week orientation begins in May, and the Internship period is June - July. (subject to change based on university requirements)
  • ☑ Work schedule is Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
  • ☑ A minimum of 20 years of age.
  • ☑ Relocation to the Nashville, TN area for the term of the Internship. Transportation will not be provided. 
  • ☑ Pearl will offer a paid stipend to help offset expenses.
  • ☑ Applicants must complete all material requirements by Friday, April 5, 2024. 


Learn more about the Pearl Internship program by reading what our past Interns have to say!


Alex Maciulewicz
Alex Maciulewicz
University of Miami

I still find it hard to believe that I got to work as part of the Pearl Corporation for a whole summer. Seeing everything that goes into producing and promoting musical instruments up-close was a truly eye-opening experience. I initially thought I would have difficulty adapting to the company environment, considering my background is primarily in music performance (drum set specifically), and I had limited knowledge in the areas of marketing and sales. However, the members of the Pearl team were incredibly supportive, and I learned something new every day. Throughout my internship, I found a way to relate to every person I interacted with and invested myself in as many areas of work as I possibly could.

I assisted with a wide variety of projects during my time with Pearl and had many long-term assignments that lasted until my final workdays. Perhaps the most impactful project I participated in was a professional proposal for digital business card integration within the company. The idea was pitched by former intern and current employee Mary Smith, and she requested the help of the current interns to research various card companies that would best fit the needs of Pearl. The proposal was a resounding success, and Pearl should begin implementing digital cards into their appearances at future trade shows. Speaking of trade shows, a personal highlight of my internship experience was helping with both the Music City Drum Show and a Guitar Center drum clinic featuring Gene Hoglan. Both events happened over the same weekend, and I could attend them after spending weeks preparing and packaging kits. I kept busy during the internship, but there was never a dull day considering I was contributing to such an important company in the musical instrument industry.

I met many amazing people both in and outside of Pearl throughout my time in Nashville. Every employee had endless insight and stories to share, making each day new and exciting. I knew I would learn and accomplish so much regardless of which department I was working alongside because everyone was extremely accommodating and knowledgeable. I learned plenty of communication skills and industry practices while working at Pearl, which I could use in my planned career path. I cannot thank the people of the Pearl Corporation enough for their endless support, and I encourage anyone reading this to consider applying for the Pearl internship program if they have not already.

Payton Kelim
Payton Kelim
Jacksonville State University

My summer internship at Pearl was a milestone achievement as I neared the end of my undergraduate studies. The internship program stands out by offering genuine resume-worthy experiences. The welcoming culture allowed me to immerse myself in meaningful projects, each contributing to Pearl's overall success while still making life-long connections and friendships. The internship is truly unlike any other program.


Throughout the internship, there were several high-impact initiatives I collaborated with the staff on that reinforced my ongoing education. One of my favorite projects involved working with the B&O social media coordinator to construct segmented product emails specifically for band directors in the country. This experience honed my marketing skills and gave me valuable insights into targeted communication strategies. I also had the chance to undertake a competitive analysis of Pearl's marching program. This project sharpened my analytical skills and provided me with a deeper understanding of industry trends. Exciting stuff! Perhaps the most thrilling project was being part of a team tasked with designing and implementing digital business cards for upcoming events and trade shows. This innovative approach to networking and refining leads was an exciting prospect, as I knew it would help pearl make a lasting impression at each event. As it was my first proposal in a professional environment, I will take that with me forever as I pursue a career in the marketing industry.


The most impactful part of this summer at Pearl was definitely the industrial coffee and espresso machine. I'm joking of course, it was the people! The care and thought invested in the internship program made me feel valued and will stay with me as I pursue my career post-graduation. Pearl treated me with unparalleled respect and professionalism every day, for which I am deeply grateful. My time in the famous Music City was an unforgettable experience and I cannot wait to see what this historic company does in the future.  


*Payton joined the Pearl Team full-time as our Marketing Assistant/Data Analyst in 2024.


Avneesh Babar
Avneesh Babar
University of North Texas

Pearl’s summer internship served as a “look behind the curtain” for the magic that I often take for granted as a musician. Throughout the internship, I received extensive training in marketing and had the privilege of connecting with remarkable artists such as Tracy Broussard and Isac Jamba. The supportive and tight-knit environment that Pearl offers from day one is so unique.


Every day brought new challenges that enhanced my learning experience. Whether I was assisting with photo/video shoots, assisting with groundbreaking events like "High End Reimagined," observing research and development, or simply exchanging a “hello” in the hallway, each interaction taught me something valuable. Right from the beginning, I was embraced as a part of the team, and felt excited to get to the office to see where I could contribute best.


I was blown away by the care and professionalism each team member provided for me as I learned my way around the office. I am immensely grateful for the relationships I developed during my time at Pearl. I have left this internship with a clearer direction of my own pursuits in the music industry, and I would encourage anyone interested in spending their summer with Pearl to apply. This experience in the heart of the Music City is truly unmatched!

Jonah Jaisen
Jonah Jaisen
Middle Tennessee State University

My internship spent at the Pearl Corporation gave me a strong, well-rounded understanding of how the marketing and sales department functions within a top brand in the instrument manufacturing industry. The projects I got to work on were reflective of a high-quality internship program that gave real-world experience in the music industry, rather than stereotypical coffee runs and busy work. Spending time writing Press Releases, creating promotional bundles, working on Artist Biographies, writing scripts for Product Videos, and setting up products for photoshoots provided me with projects and work that directly benefited the company.


What made my internship even more unique was starting during the week of the High-End Reimagined Event. Seeing the efforts and work that goes into pulling off a product launch of that caliber, and the way the community responded to it, further ensured to me that I couldn't have been in a better place to intern this summer.


Each employee at Pearl is incredibly knowledgeable about not only their field and expertise, but are also fabulous musicians and versatile in their work. I could not recommend this internship more to anyone who is creative, driven, passionate about quality products, and looking to develop their knowledge of marketing and sales. Everyone at Pearl is rooting for your success and growth, and I am incredibly grateful to the Pearl Corporation for providing me with an experience that has changed me both in my professional and personal development.

Austin Mellen
Austin Mellen
Middle Tennessee State University

My time at Pearl these past 9 weeks has been an incredible experience. I spent time with the amazing members of the marketing and sales teams learning from their experiences and aiding in their work. One of the things that I realized early on is that every single member of the Pearl team is at the very top of their field and is an irreplaceable part of what Pearl offers the world. As such, it was wonderful to be able to work side-by-side with, and learn from, these hardworking and kind individuals.


What’s most exciting about being at Pearl is the team is always working on something new that will completely change the game. This year it was the release of Pearl’s new high-end products, punctuated by the unprecedented High-End Reimagined launch event. I’ll never forget what it was like to come to work that first week and see everyone working towards a common goal, with the result being the largest event in the company's history. After the event was over, I got to experience the day-to-day workflow at Pearl. I was able to work on a diverse range of hands-on projects such as analyzing market trends, writing press releases, assisting with photo and video shoots, creating sales bundles, and learning the ins-and-outs of Pearl’s warehouse operations.


The knowledge I gained during my time at Pearl will be invaluable as I move ahead in my career, and I highly recommend this internship to anyone passionate about the music industry. Thank you, Pearl, for this incredible opportunity!


Gracie Martin
Gracie Martin
University of North Alabama

My time at Pearl has truly been amazing. The people here are truly invested in us getting the most we can out of this internship and learning everything there is to know about the industry. They take time to answer any questions we have and guide us through our projects, but also let us have space to be creative and incorporate our own ideas. Outside of the nitty-gritty, it’s such a fun environment in the office: People are relaxed and enjoyable to be around, but they also know how to get stuff done effectively.


The projects I had the opportunity to work on here challenged my creativity and helped me get out of my comfort zone a bit, but I was also given tasks that I felt I could excel. The tasks that we were given weren’t “scut work”, but actually help the company in a meaningful way. Tasks like this included evaluating the market and determining the most effective pricing for products, creating sales specials, and helping assemble the new product presentation. Through all of these projects, many people gave great feedback that helped me understand how the industry works and how to work more effectively within it.


This internship has given me many tools to help me succeed in the future, and I’m so thankful for this opportunity, but even more thankful for the people I have met. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

Slade Moore
Slade Moore
Middle Tennessee State University

The Internship program at Pearl can be described as a mixed bag that you never know what you might learn but is always great. The versatility of each employee Pearl is undeniably inspiring, and learning the efficiency that goes into picking up new skills has expanded my mind as well as inspired me to be just like everyone I have gotten to work with.


My personal experiences have ranged from performing marketing tactics with projects such as price comparisons and infographics all the way to more hands-on projects such as building kits and racks for photoshoots and artists. All projects and tasks I have been involved with can be transferred and carried with me for the rest of my career. Working with Pearl has also opened my creativity to new extremes and helped me with being able to push the boundaries of business and everyday life.


My favorite part about my experience has been the variety of subjects and skills I have learned. I hope that everyone can acquire an experience like mine from Pearl. I highly recommend this internship to anyone who is looking for knowledge in the industry and, more specifically, knowledge in Marketing and Sales. I cannot thank the Pearl Family enough for allowing me and others to have such an invaluable experience.

Taylor Slauson
Taylor Slauson
Ohio Wesleyan University

Sometimes there are no words to describe an incredible moment in your life. That's what this opportunity at Pearl Drums has been for me, indescribable. Pearl is unlike any other corporation I've been a part of before. Every day felt like working with your best friends in an environment where laughter, ingenuity, and hard work were nurtured.


Interning at Pearl was similar to opening presents on your birthday; you never knew what to expect, but the excitement was palpable. This unknown ensured I was always on my toes, but in a good way. Projects such as Infographics, Artist Biographies, Price Comparisons, Press Releases, Drum Configurations, and Photoshoots guaranteed a well-balanced education in Marketing and Sales.


While the projects were fabulous, they weren't what made my time at Pearl; it was the connections. Every employee that I encountered ensured that I was a genuine part of the Pearl family. Countless memories were made, and they taught me invaluable lessons I will carry with me in my future endeavors.


Pearl, The Best Place To Intern.

Trevor Trout
Trevor Trout
James Madison University

Drumming has always been an integral part of my life. Working at Pearl gave me the opportunity to surround myself with not only the instruments I love most but also with people who share my passion. From the family feel to the safe and nurturing environment, my time here has blown by quickly.


One of the best aspects of this internship is that I felt like I was able to contribute. The work I was tasked with was engaging and valuable to the company. The days were seldom filled with busy-work, but instead hands-on activities and creative sales or marketing projects. Observing recording sessions and attending photo shoots were some of the coolest experiences of the whole internship. Also, there are humbling moments when you notice your original content on the website and realize that your hard work will continue to benefit the company long after the course of the internship. Each project presented a new set of challenges which made each day unique.


I sincerely thank the Pearl Corporation for taking me under their wing and giving me the facility to thrive at work and here in Nashville. I have gained wisdom as well as courage and motivation that I can and will utilize moving forward in my career. I would recommend this gig to students with any connection to percussion, or anyone who wants to make a difference in the musical world.


Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

My internship with Pearl this summer has been the most educational and eye-opening experience I’ve ever had. From the moment I walked through the doors on my first day, I knew that there was something special about Pearl. I have never seen a company that hosts such a relaxed yet professional environment, with such excellent staff.


Both the Marketing and Sales departments provided me with projects that exercised new skills and boosted my creativity. With every task, Pearl made sure I was being provided with the best tools for my education. I was trusted with writing press releases, organizing pricing sheets, and creating sales specials. One of the best parts of this internship was getting the opportunity to connect with so many professionals in the industry. The people I have met here at Pearl have taught me so much, they truly are the reason that Pearl is and continues to be so successful.


This entire experience has been so incredible, and I can’t thank Pearl enough for this amazing opportunity. I really couldn’t have picked a better internship with a better company.


*Mary joined the Pearl Team full-time as our Marketing Events Manager in 2022.

Zach Protono
Zach Protono
University of Texas at Arlington

Ever since middle school percussion class, I’ve been a fan of Pearl Drums. I’ve known since then that Pearl makes extremely high-quality instruments but before interning at Pearl, I never knew what kind of work went into building, marketing, and distributing Pearl instruments. I knew from working in the drum department at Guitar Center that I wanted to work in the drum industry, so I wanted to find out what kinds of jobs are out there. The very first part of the internship broke down all the jobs in the company and what everyone does, and it has given me a much clearer picture of how the industry works and what my focuses should be.


This internship never felt like a job to me and I always felt like everyone wanted me to get the most out of it and learn as much as I could. We were never stuck doing the same thing day after day and we were encouraged to ask whatever questions we had about anything. On top of all this, Nashville is a great place to spend a summer with all sorts of stuff happening everyday. I would highly recommend this internship to anyone considering working in the drum or music retail industry. 

Samantha Graham
Samantha Graham
Middle Tennessee State University

My time with Pearl this summer has been an incredible opportunity. It was an experience that could not be found anywhere else. Having gone through this internship has helped me confirm that I want to continue down the instrument repair path. It also showed me a lot about what goes on behind the scenes that I didn’t know happened in a corporation like Pearl. From learning basic dent-work to helping with photoshoots, every day had something new to learn.


My favorite part of this experience was all the hands-on experience, like having to remove dents from something to helping with the photoshoots on some instruments. That is something most places would not allow. Because I am more focused on repair, I got to spend most of my time in Pearl’s repair shop. But I also got the chance to see some of the stuff that happens on both the Sales and Marketing sides of the building, along with meeting some Pearl artists. I’m grateful to have had the chance to gain the skills and connections I’ve made through Pearl. It is something I’d highly recommend to others.

Baryl Brandt
Baryl Brandt
Illinois State University

From the very first day, my time at Pearl has been absolutely incredible. It was very clear from early on that this internship was an exceptional opportunity. From the close relationships that make up the Pearl Family, the relaxed atmosphere, and the passion for the product, I don’t know if I could’ve found a better fit.


Interning here with the Sales and Marketing departments over the summer allowed me to gain real world experience that simply isn’t available in a classroom setting. Each day I was given meaningful tasks and projects that proved valuable to the company. While with the Sales department, I was able to create dealer spotlights, sales point packets for dealer representatives, and special sales designed to boost sales and revenue. With the Marketing department I was given the opportunity to make customized advertising groups, press releases, and closely work with the Artist Relations Manager with endorsements. I was given exceptional experiences, knowledge, and connections that will prove invaluable to my future.


Beyond the practical substance of this internship, the fact that I get to work with percussion and drums all day in such a relaxed environment makes this an opportunity that simply can’t be beat!


Logan Scarbrough
Logan Scarbrough

Pearl Corporation has a huge reputation for making the best products and offering the best customer service in the music industry. It is to no surprise that they also offer such an incredible internship opportunity. I am very thankful to have worked with Pearl this year. My summer flew by as I woke up each morning eager to learn.


My favorite part of this summer was learning about how much Pearl Corporation focuses on making great products and making sure that customers are always more than satisfied. The great customer service that Pearl offers makes certain that anyone who gets their hands on a Pearl product will be genuinely happy.


I have no doubt that this internship will help set me up for success in my future. I wouldn’t trade the experience I received for anything. Pearl Corporation has taught me lessons that I will remember for the rest of my life. If I could, I would stay longer.

Akshay Mahimtura
Akshay Mahimtura
University of Michigan

From organizing trade shows to meeting eminent artists, every day at my internship at Pearl Corporation has been chock-full of fresh and valuable experiences. Among many other things, I learned how to create sell sheets, write press releases, and set up drums, audio and video equipment for professional shoots. I got to design road-cases for GearFest, help revamp Pearl’s showroom in Nashville, and network with professionals across the music industry at Summer NAMM!


Pearl’s warm and welcoming employees ensured an inclusive, diverse work environment that made me look forward to coming to work every morning. In addition to gaining professional experience during my time interning here, I have developed valuable interpersonal and communication skills by working in both the sales and marketing departments. Pearl’s ‘open door policy’ meant that I could walk into almost anyone’s office to ask for his or her advice or insights, or even just to chat.


My internship at Pearl has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Getting first-hand exposure at this company has shown me what makes it a giant in the music industry.

John Swartz
John Swartz

My experience at Pearl Corporation was nothing less than incredible. Through working with the Sales and Marketing departments, I gained much insight into the realm of the music industry and learned a lot about the intricacies of how things work in a drum company. At Pearl, all the projects I worked on contributed to the company, and I appreciate how this internship gave me a sense of accomplishment. Being a percussionist myself, I learned that much of one’s job isn’t dependent on how good of a player they are. Though being a musician helps know the product better, being a good musician doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll do well in business.


Though Pearl is a corporation, this internship gave me a realistic view of how small the music industry actually is. In addition, it gave me a view of how interconnected everyone is in this business. Everyone in the office is extremely friendly and welcoming, and treated me like I was part of the Pearl family. The employees here are passionate about what they do, and every one of them was happy to talk about whatever relevant subject I had questions about. Not only was this experience valuable from a career standpoint, but it provided me with many personal connections that I will have for the rest of my life. Overall, this internship was a valuable experience, and I could not recommend it enough to someone who is passionate about music.

Ben Heidrich
Ben Heidrich
Appalachian State

My time with Pearl this summer has been a valuable experience. The opportunity to work in the sales & marketing department while surrounded by business professionals is a learning experience that you can’t find anywhere else. The skills I learned and the experiences I had are lessons that can’t be taught in a classroom.


It was also a privilege to get hands-on business experience in a setting that was both familiar and friendly. Pearl Drums have always been an important part of my music career. Being able to learn business fundamentals in a music environment made my experience more fun and valuable. My coworkers were also very valuable to my time at Pearl. Working side by side with helpful people who share the same musical interests made my Summer even more productive and enjoyable. I’m grateful for the work I was able to do for Pearl and for the connections I made during the summer. It is an experience that’ll I’ll hold onto, and I’d highly suggest others to seize the opportunity!


**Ben joined the Pearl Customer Service Team in 2019.


Brad Schulz
Brad Schulz
Indiana University

Seeing what happens behind-the-scenes of a drum company has always been an interest of mine. Having the incredible honor to be an intern at Pearl has given me that opportunity. The amount I have learned is so much more than I could've imagined. From marketing, to sales, to product development, and more, this internship is truly a one of a kind experience.


As previous Pearl Interns have said, this is not your typical internship. I got to help with new ideas for finishes, create kit set-ups for photo shoots, meet and talk to Pearl Artists, help with video shoots, and much more. This also gave me the opportunity to develop professional relationships and connections with the employees as well as Pearl artists. The motivation, teamwork, and love for music everyone has makes Pearl stand out as a leader in the music industry. Being able to see and learn what every employee does gave me an incredible amount of information that I can carry on into my professional career. On top of that, being in Nashville is also an awesome experience.


I am so grateful and honored to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity. This summer, I felt like part of the Pearl Team, not just an intern. Pearl is like a family where each member, even the interns, are important. You couldn't find a better place to be an intern than Pearl.

Tripp Gwaltney
Tripp Gwaltney
Florida State University

I would like to thank all the Pearl staff for allowing me the opportunity to spend time with such an admired brand. Pearl really opened their doors and allowed me to get a full, detailed view of every aspect of the business. Along the way, the Pearl team members were always willing to spend time to include the interns on their projects. I have played Pearl/Adams instruments for years, and my time here allowed me to further appreciate this awesome company and the awesome people that work here.


Each day at the Pearl HQ held a variation of projects for the intern team. In the marketing department, my days included drafting designs for Summer NAMM flyers, building kits for photo/video shoots, and writing press releases for future products. Others days were spent taking trips to dealers and recording studios around town. Pearl interns were also coached through marketing and sales strategies involved with product development. In the sales department, I really enjoyed learning how relationships are cultivated and maintained with dealers. Here I was able to sharpen my Excel skills through calculating sales goals, building price comparison charts, and building leads for artist clinics. No matter the day, my time was spent on a meaningful project that directly benefited the company.


The knowledge I attained from this internship will play a vital role in starting my career. I am grateful to Pearl for allowing me this gainful experience this summer. Pearl is no doubt “the best reason to play drums”!

Jared Coller
Jared Coller
Valparaiso University

Going into the summer, I had no idea what to expect. I knew I was going to be in Nashville for the summer, working with drums every day, and doing some networking along the way. I read the experiences that the past interns shared on Pearl’s website, and I knew that it was something to be excited for, but it still didn’t prepare me for the summer I had ahead of me.


I could go on and state all the amazing things we did, how chill and nice the employees were, or how this internship is not your typical internship (it is much better), but you can read other interns’ experiences for that. I will share that my best experiences weren’t from just doing the work, although I did learn a lot from it. I learned and gained the most experience from what the employees had to share with us. Pearl very much has an open-door vibe, and everyone is willing to share their stories. This is where I learned the most about the industry and what it is like to work for a top company like Pearl.


What I learned over the summer, I never would have learned in a classroom. The internship taught me to go out, talk to people, take chances, and learn from mistakes. This is something I will take with me through the end of school and for the rest of my life. I encourage everyone else to take any chances they may get because you never know what may come from it.

Phil Treutel
Phil Treutel
Appalachian State University

I think what I enjoyed most about my time at Pearl was not the fact that I saw firsthand how the company itself functioned on a day-to-day basis, but rather the personal connections that I made in the environment. While the professional contacts that I’ve made while here are invaluable, I feel like I’ve truly made friends within the industry.


Another thing that sets this program apart from what preconceived notion you may have about stereotypical internships is that there was not a task that I was given this summer that an actual Pearl employee would not have done themselves. This made me feel like an integral part of the Pearl team and I’d have to say I’m very pleased with my experience. Thanks to Pearl for the opportunity!


Evan Berg
Evan Berg
Ohio State University

My summer at Pearl has far exceeded the expectations that I had coming in. While interns at some companies may only meet a handful of the employees throughout their summer, Pearl sits you down with every employee one on one before you ever begin working. Not only does this put you at ease and teach you the in depth history of the company, but it also gives you a chance to build immediate rapport. That rapport eventually leads to friendships that last the entire summer and that will continue long after your time here is over.


Additionally, this internship is much more than just building relationships. Pearl places full trust in its interns, allowing you to sit in on executive board meetings, handle products that are under development and not yet known to the public, and provides daily insight on some of the inner workings of the company finances that results in a truly rounded and valuable experience to leave with. Whether you are assisting photography of new products in the photo studio, having lunch with one of pearls many well known artists, or spending a day with the sales team crafting specials, no one day working here will ever be the same as the last, I couldn’t have picked a better place to spend my summer.

Tommy Rorabeck
Tommy Rorabeck
Indiana University

My internship at Pearl was an eye-opening experience as we were exposed to almost every aspect of Pearl’s operations. I learned about sales and marketing strategies, artist relations, product development, and got to work with some of the most friendly, outgoing, and passionate people I’ve ever been around.


As a Pearl intern, every day held something different. The summer was full of diverse projects, behind-the-scenes looks at new Pearl products and collaborations, and surprise trips to dealers and venues. Some days I assembled drum sets for photo shoots. Other days were devoted to assisting in planning, organizing, and setting up for trade shows and other special events. Throughout the internship, I established genuine relationships with customers, dealers, and artists. One of my favorite parts of the internship was interacting with Pearl artists. I met many different Pearl artists and gained valuable insight into the music industry from an artist’s perspective. I was able to see how artist relations works and helped execute various projects involving artists.


My time at Pearl has given me incredible knowledge and exposure to the music industry and connected me with some fantastic people. I’ve learned a whole lot about sales and marketing and have had some unforgettable experiences with incredible people in an amazing city.

Charlie Andrews
Charlie Andrews
Northern Kentucky University

As a serious drummer for numerous years, I have always looked at Pearl as a company of superior quality. What I have realized during my internship is that the quality of Pearl is not just found in their products, but also in the people who work to make Pearl the brand we know and love.


Everybody at Pearl has a passion for music and more importantly, a passion for educating and supporting people like me who want to be involved in the Music Industry. During my time with Pearl, I was treated as if I was already part of the family. It was made sure that the interns had a valuable and educating experience that involved projects such as Summer NAMM, opportunities to get to know important people in the industry, chances to help with photoshoots, create and handle media for Pearl, and much more. At times I would find tasks to be challenging, but I always found insight and knowledge through them.


This is not a typical “make copies for your boss” internship. You will be treated with respect and trust and learn tools that will certainly aid you down the road regardless of where life takes you. My time at Pearl has been a true blessing and I am deeply thankful for this invaluable experience.


**Charlie is now the owner of Badge Drum Shop in Mason, OH which also services the Cincinnati-area.


Brian Wulf
Brian Wulf

My summer spent at Pearl has been an incredible experience. The people at the office were friendly and welcoming, and I really felt like part of the family. I learned so much about the business side of the music industry through hands-on projects with both the Marketing and Sales departments. From Pearl Drums to Adams Percussion and even Pearl Flutes, I was able to observe and learn from some of the very best in the industry.


Getting to see my work as an intern have a direct impact on the company was a huge bonus to me. I knew that the work I did while I was at Pearl mattered and the Pearl family wanted me to succeed. I’m very grateful for my time at Pearl, and I wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything else.


**Brian joined the Pearl Team full time as a Custom Shop Specialist in 2016 and then the Customer Service Team in 2018.

Adam Gorz
Adam Gorz
Western Illinois University

My time at Pearl has been a rewarding and eye-opening experience. As an intern, you are considered a part of the Pearl family just like everyone else on staff. The people here are very welcoming, and I am thankful for the relationships that I made. Each day, everyone greeted me with enthusiasm, and I know that each person here was genuinely interested in how I was doing. Everyone here is open to any suggestions or new ideas, and everyone is willing to take time out of their day to teach you something new.


From day one, I have been involved with several projects that have had a direct impact on the company. Over the course of the summer, I have created text for online ads, updated spread sheets, called dealers, created accessory packs for a special, updated portions of the website, and much more. Pearl trusts their interns enough to let them participate in hands-on projects. The work involved is not busy work. Every task has a purpose and has helped the company’s daily operations. This internship is also more than just a desk job. I also spent a substantial amount of time in the studio and in the warehouse. The other interns and I assisted with several photo shoots as well as product returns. Every day was a new learning experience, and I was able to apply what I had learned from my music business and marketing classes in real world situations. I am honored that I was chosen to be a part of this internship program, and I would recommend it to anyone who has a sincere interest in the music industry.

Colin Claybrook
Colin Claybrook
University of Alabama

I could not have asked for a better summer here at Pearl Drums. The people here at Pearl are really second to none. Everyone in the building has a deep love for our products and the music industry. They are also incredibly easy to talk to, and had a wealth of knowledge that they were more than willing to share with us. We were exposed to so much information covering Pearl Drums, Adams Musical Instruments, Adams Brass, and Pearl Flutes.


As an intern I was able to work on a variety of projects in many different areas of the company.  Half of our time was spent working in the Sales Department, and the other half was with the Marketing Department. While working in Sales, we spent time working with dealers, coming up with specials, and did merchandising in various stores here in Nashville. In the Marketing Department we were able to assist with photography, help take care of our Drum Corps, and work on many projects in the warehouse. These are just some of the things that we did over the summer.


I can honestly say that I never had a hard time coming into work this summer. Every week was a new adventure and I was always surprised that I was working at Pearl Corporation. It was an incredible experience and I was very fortunate to be selected as a Summer Intern.

Daniel Harris
Daniel Harris

This is not your typical “go get your coworkers their coffee” internship. As a part of the internship program at Pearl you get full, hands-on experience in every aspect of the company. Over the two and a half months you are with the Sales and Marketing departments working alongside the other interns and other employees on project like making sales specials and helping with photography and advertisements. In addition to those projects, we got to help out in the warehouse working with product returns and product research, and also go out of the office and help with two DCI shows one weekend.


When you wake up excited to go to work, you know you have found a good company, and Pearl is just that. Once you walk through the front doors, even on the first day, you are treated like a part of the Pearl family. That aspect of the Pearl family is what makes the company work so well together. As a percussionist who grew up playing Pearl, I was very excited for this internship, and now looking back, it exceeded anything I could have ever expected. Pearl has the best people in the industry working for the best products in the industry, period. After seeing how things are done at Pearl, I truly believe that Pearl is the Best Reason to Play Drums.


Joel Punausuia
Joel Punausuia
University of Alabama

As a non-percussionist, I was anxious that that would handicap me during this internship. When I first came in I could not tell the difference between a crash cymbal stand and a boom stand, but that wrong was righted rather quickly. Every employee at Pearl was understanding of my lack of knowledge and was patient with me as they thoroughly explained the specific functions of each instrument and its accessories. They were always inviting of questions, so I never felt disadvantaged.


No day at Pearl is the same as the last. I got to experience the building, framing and photography of kits; filming of studio sessions with Pearl artists; the maintenance of marching percussion equipment; and, new as of this year, aid in the set up and striking of a trade show booth. Expect to also deal extensively with some of the Pearl affiliated drum corps come July.


Pearl really is like a family. The employees are not your coworkers but a familial machine that runs on quality, positive user experience and excellence. Every member of the team has an insurmountable and admirable amount of passion, pride and dedication to the brand. It truly is inspiring to walk in every day to that magnitude of positivity and creativity. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Pearl and the in-depth but comprehensive crash course into the musical products industry.

Taylor Willingham
Taylor Willingham
SUNY Oneonta

My internship at Pearl this summer left me with many positive impressions of the company. Primarily, I witnessed firsthand Pearl’s commitment to excellence. The reason Pearl is an industry leader is that they constantly strive to stay ahead of the curve and be the best: from product design, to product presentation, to customer service. When it comes to maintaining the brand, Pearl never cuts corners.


However, probably the greatest thing I will take away from my time at Pearl is the way I was treated by the Pearl family. Not only was I treated with respect and appreciation, but I was also given the chance to put into practice the skills I have learned and contribute to the company. Never did I simply feel like a “lowly intern,” but rather an integral part of the team. I always had the sense that the people at Pearl were genuinely invested in my education; always willing to teach me something new, or show me the workings of the company and the industry as a whole. This was such a great experience, and I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in this internship program.

Josh Tietz
Josh Tietz
Florida State University

Interning at Pearl has been one of the best experiences of my life.  The people at Pearl are the best in the industry and are some of the nicest and most hardworking people I have ever met.  Being a percussionist, I was excited to get a behind-the-scenes look at the largest drum manufacturing company in the world.  From the moment I stepped through the door on the first day, I was thrown right into all of the day-to-day operations of the company.  Over the course of the internship, I was tasked with making sales sheets, filling out dealer spread sheets, assisting with photo shoots and video shoots, updating websites and much more.  It was exciting to watch how my work directly affected the company.


During this internship, I experienced all areas of the Pearl/Adams and Pearl Flute Corporations.  I had a chance to assist on many projects in each area.  Learning how the manufacturing and sales process works and seeing it in action was an exciting experience.  It was interesting to watch and learn how sales reps handled their dealers and how they effectively moved product out the door.


This is definitely not your normal coffee getting, paper filing internship.  All of the information and experience I have gained from my time at Pearl will be very valuable in the future when I enter the music industry.  The worst part of this internship is that it had to end.  It was an honor to intern at a company as great as Pearl!


Rachael Doyle
Rachael Doyle
Indiana University

My experience at Pearl has been unforgettable. Each day I woke up excited to come to work. From market research to sales calls, the guys at Pearl really took time to involve me in different aspects of their jobs. I received hands on experience working with excel, and sitting in on dealer reviews. My favorite duty was assisting the Artist Relations crew with Marc Quinones of the Allman Brothers in the Pearl studio one morning. Each day offered new and exciting tasks, so I did not labor over one monotonous project the entire time. DCI Murfreesboro was a new event for me that I wouldn’t have experienced without Pearl. The Pearl team consists of not only hard-workers, but genuine, fun people as well. It was a pleasure to work with them this summer and I will truly be sad to leave.

Dan Overstreet
Dan Overstreet
University of Miami

When I began my internship this summer, I was initially nervous; interning at a legendary drum company as a guitar player was a daunting prospect. Within my first hour at Pearl, all my fears were laid to rest. The environment was incredibly welcoming and everyone was happy to talk about anything from business, to drums, to stories about Pearl’s prestigious artists.


Once I was acquainted with the other interns, we learned that no two days were the same for the intern team. Whether it was reassembling marching snares, designing new sales promotions or preparing the studio for visiting artists, we were constantly learning new aspects of sales and marketing.


I highly recommend this internship to anyone considering a music business career. Nashville was a fantastic place to spend the summer and interning at Pearl was a broad and exciting introduction to the music products industry!

Brandon Beck
Brandon Beck
Auburn University

My time at Pearl was absolutely incredible. The best way to describe it; “I am like a kid in a candy store!” That description was true every single day I walked into the building. From day one, everyone at Pearl was extremely helpful and willing to answer any question that I had. We jumped right in as we learned about Pearl and how this incredible company runs so successfully.


I found myself trying to fall asleep early every night just to make sure the next day came that much faster. The interns were implemented into the Marketing and Sales departments and were able to work hand-in-hand with the incredible percussion instruments that Pearl provides daily. We were also exposed to Pearl Flutes which continue the standard of excellence that the percussion products do. In addition to working with the products, we were also included in artist video shoots. These experiences were not only educational, but truly inspiring. These professionals performed their crafts with the utmost professionalism and class while also being genuinely great people!


This internship was an experience that I will never forget and I definitely recommend anyone that wants to have a career in the music industry needs to apply. The information and experiences you will receive are second to none. I am very grateful that Pearl allowed me to have this experience. Thank you Pearl!

Keylee Fletcher
Keylee Fletcher
Eastern Kentucky University

Interning at Pearl for the summer has been the most educational and rewarding experiencing I’ve ever had.  Over the course of 8 weeks, I had the opportunity to spend half of my time with the Sales department and the other half with the Marketing department.  I had several projects within each department that ranged from writing web content, such as product or dealer spotlights, to creating sales specials and doing product research.  This internship is terrific because I could see how every task I was given benefited the company in some way.  Being a percussionist, I was thrilled to get hands-on experience in a variety of elements of the percussion world, such as assembling Adams keyboards or learning how to properly mic drumsets and cajons for video shoots.


Every member of the Pearl family was open and willing to share their expertise with each Intern from the moment we walked through the door.  Not one question I had went unanswered during the internship, and the positive work environment made each day of this experience a blast!  I can confidently say that this internship and the folks at Pearl have given me the knowledge and tools to work in the music industry in any capacity.  My 8 weeks here allowed me to see why Pearl is a true leader and innovator in the music products industry.  Thank you, Pearl, for the experience of a lifetime!


** Keylee joined D'Addario & Company, Inc. in 2017 and then Roland US in 2019 as their Social Media Specialist.


Spencer Garretson
Spencer Garretson
University of Texas

My 2012 Summer internship at Pearl expanded my corporate perspective on both micro and macro levels. Through a variety of tasks, like writing articles and product spotlights for the Pearl website, conducting marketing research and analysis, assisting with photo and video shoots, and even helping out in the warehouse with equipment returns, I came to thoroughly understand the importance of every task in maintaining lasting success.


On a macro level I learned that Pearl, in function, is not much different than any other corporate entity. There is a product that is manufactured, shipped, and sold. What makes Pearl unique is the environment created by the people working there who are genuinely excited and passionate about what they are selling. This reality was conveyed to me within the first week of my presence and was continuously confirmed throughout the summer. Everybody at Pearl made an effort to make me feel welcome and provided real advice that I will carry for the rest of my career!

Colin White
Colin White
University of Alabama

We have all heard the classic quote, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Interning at Pearl Corporation for eight weeks completely embodies that phrase, as the internship felt like only four weeks. While working at Pearl Corporation I met talented, helpful people, as well as three other gifted interns from across the nation. I gained experience in marketing, public relations, and warehouse operations. It was amazing to see the work that goes into every product catalog, ad in a magazine, and kit you see on a showroom floor. Pearl is definitely a family that is glad to see you there and wants you to succeed.


Apart from working in the office, I got to experience studio sessions of Pearl artist, industry events, and a DCI show. I learned the in great depth the inner-workings of percussion keyboards too, something I wasn’t familiar with at all at the start of the internship. Overall, I would recommend this internship to anyone interested in music and your field of study. Your tailored projects and tasks are very important to the company and fatten up your portfolio as well. Interning at Pearl Corporation has claimed the title of my best summer and work experience yet!


** Colin joined our Sales staff as the Customer Service/Account Development Specialist in 2016.

Hunter Selman
Hunter Selman
LaSalle University

I can honestly say my 8 weeks at Pearl were some of the best weeks of my life.  I learned, experienced, and contributed more than I could have ever hoped for.   Working in the music industry had always been my dream, and Pearl made it come true. 


My projects varied from compiling market research, to writing copy, to changing drumheads in the studio.  I woke up excited for work each day because you never know what cool project you will be thrown into next.  Pearl is a fun, yet professional workplace and all of the great people I met contributed to my special experience there. 


I will never forget my summer with Pearl and I couldn’t recommend this internship program highly enough.

John Farquharson
John Farquharson
Berklee College of Music

My internship experience at Pearl this summer was everything I hoped for and more! From the minute I walked through the door I was welcomed into a very comfortable yet hard working community consisting of several of the most professional people I have ever had the pleasure to work for.  They truly made me feel like I was an important part of both the Marketing and Sales departments and not just an intern.  Every day brought new and exciting projects such as preparing various products for photo shoots, working on marching drums for Big 10 universities, assisting visiting artists with setup requests, compiling competitive market analysis reports, assisting in the creation of sales specials, writing press for various major publications, and so much more. 


This truly was the experience of a lifetime. As a music business student looking to start a career in the products industry I can say with confidence, this experience will prove crucial to my future.  I highly recommend interning at Pearl to anyone looking to work hard and gain insight into how this facet of the music industry works.


Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!


** John joined the Pearl staff as the Artist Relations Manager in 2016.


Morgan Nenne
Morgan Nenne
Bradley University

My internship with Pearl far exceeded my expectations. Pearl provided me with quality work experience that helped improve my skills as a music business professional. On my very first day at Pearl, I was provided with projects that were specific to my field of study. The working environment at Pearl is laid back yet professional and the staff is exceptional. They were always willing to answer any questions I had and provide needed insight. If given the chance to work with Pearl again I would not hesitate at the opportunity.

Arianna Fanning
Arianna Fanning
Indiana University

After interning at Pearl for 9 weeks, I walked away with a comprehensive view of how the company operates, and insight into why they are so successful in the industry. Every day brought new tasks, and I was constantly learning. Coming into the internship, I didn’t have a lot of experience in the marching percussion world, but that changed quickly over the summer, as I learned to strip marching snare drums, wrote a web feature on one of Pearl’s drum corps, and worked the Pearl booth at a DCI event!


Pearl is a very pleasant, yet professional workplace, and by the second day, I felt right at home. Everyone I approached with questions would instantly drop what they were doing to help me. The opportunity to intern at Pearl really opened my eyes to another side in the music industry, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great summer.

Andrew Dobos
Andrew Dobos
Ithaca College of Music

My 8 week internship at Pearl this summer was truly a fantastic experience. From the very first day, I felt welcomed as a member of the Pearl family and was treated as a real employee. I was given an extensive tour of the facility as well as an indepth history of the company, and an overview of how the company operates in the music world.


The first half of my internship was spent working with the Sales Team where I worked directly with fellow sales representatives in making phone calls, taking part in dealer reviews, and shipping out literature and products. I also received a lot of hands on experience working with and shipping out a large number of Pearl’s e-Pro Live kits. The second half of my internship was spent with the Marketing side of the building where I was exposed to the methods that Pearl uses to promote their name as well as giving my input during important meetings and discussions. The most rewarding part of the whole experience for me was that the assignments and projects that I worked on directly benefited the company as a whole and helped lessen the workload of a fellow employee. Whether it was writing articles for the company website, setting up drumsets for photoshoots, organizing returned DCI equipment, or compiling documents and spreadsheets, I always felt that my work was highly appreciated and valued.


I strongly recommend this internship for anyone looking to spend their summer working hard with one of the tightest families in the music industry. Thank you, Pearl, for a great experience!

Blake Ellis
Blake Ellis
University of Alabama

I could not have asked for a better experience than the 8 weeks I spent at Pearl. During my internship I received a well-rounded view of how the company operates. I was treated like a real employee and completed tasks that gave me insight into what a career in the musical instrument business entails. As well as completing daily tasks on the marketing side, I spent some time job shadowing employees in finance, sales and customer service.


The Pearl Family was genuinely interested in making sure I received the best education possible during my internship. I had exposure to all product areas including: drum set, marching, Adams/Concert Percussion, Pearl Percussion and even Pearl Flutes! I had a great experience seeing a behind the scenes view of DCI, industry event shows, and the musical instrument business. I highly recommend this internship to anyone in Music Business who is looking for a summer worth remembering!


Brian Isaac
Brian Isaac
Oklahoma State University

My experience as one of Pearl’s 2010 summer interns far exceeded my expectations and left me with only positive things to say! On my first day, I was welcomed into such a great environment, comfortable yet extremely efficient. The friendly staff helped me to become oriented with everything in a matter of a few days, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that everyone I would work with at Pearl was either a drummer or musician of some kind, regardless of what position they held in the company. I was given the opportunity to work very closely with various product managers, completing small tasks as well as larger, long-term projects throughout the summer. It was very rewarding to be able to assist in the “behind-the-scenes” processes of Pearl’s online media, drumset and percussion marketing, and the Drum Corps International 2010 summer season. I loved working for Pearl and it was a priceless experience that will help greatly in the start of my career in the music business!  Thanks Pearl!

Charles Lovell
Charles Lovell
University of Kansas

I could not have asked for a better experience than the 8 weeks I spent at Pearl. During my internship I received a well-rounded view of how the company operates. I was treated like a real employee and completed tasks that gave me insight into what a career in the musical instrument business entails. As well as completing daily tasks on the marketing side, I spent some time job shadowing employees in finance, sales and customer service. The Pearl Family was genuinely interested in making sure I received the best education possible during my internship. I had exposure to all product areas including: drum set, marching, Adams/Concert Percussion, Pearl Percussion and even Pearl Flutes! I had a great experience seeing a behind the scenes view of DCI, industry event shows, and the musical instrument business. I highly recommend this internship to anyone in Music Business who is looking for a summer worth remembering!


Kevin Geis
Kevin Geis
University of Alabama Huntsville

This summer, I was the intern in the Education /Concert department at Pearl. Through my experience at Pearl, I gained a greater understanding and appreciation of what it takes to provide a truly great product. From day one, I was welcomed into the company. Everyone was very helpful, and always took time to answer any questions I had, or help me with a task. The people at Pearl work together in a relaxed and comfortable, yet professional, environment. In the Education/Concert area, I learned a great deal about concert and front ensemble equipment, as well as how Pearl produces its line of flutes! Having spent a large part of my life in drum corps, it was a wonderful experience to be part of Pearl during the DCI season. There is so much that goes into getting drums to the corps, and corps on the field; and Pearl provided me with the opportunity to not only see how the process works, but be a crucial part of it. I found out what it takes to plan and produce many events throughout the summer, including a DCI show, and a dealer party. My experience at Pearl has been amazing, and will prepare me for success as I complete my education and pursue a career.


** Pearl Corporation welcomed Kevin Geis to the Marketing Department in 2011 and he is currently the Marching Percussion Marketing Manager.

Dan Twiford
Dan Twiford
Eastern Kentucky University

My experience as a Pearl Summer Intern has left me with nothing but good things to say. I worked hand in hand with the Marketing Staff in the areas of Combo and Pearl Percussion for nine weeks. I had on-going long term projects and different short term projects each week that provided a great deal of variety over the course of the summer. The work environment is relaxed and friendly; always someone willing to answer your questions or lend a hand. They really are the best in the industry and it was a great pleasure to work side by side with the people who have led Pearl to having such a great reputation, and such great products. Pearl’s success is no accident. If you would like to learn why and spend a summer with very talented, intelligent, hard-working people – who are great “people” too – then I recommend this internship for you. I have no regrets and would do it all over again if I had the chance. Thanks for the opportunity!


** Dan Twiford served as the Marching Percussion Marketing Manager from 2010-2014.


Stephanie West
Stephanie West
University of Texas San Antonio

My name is Stephanie West and I am a student at the University of Texas San Antonio, pursuing a degree in Music Marketing. This past summer was I accepted into Pearl’s intern program. The internship gave me insight into the way the company is run. I worked with so many people whom teach a variety of subjects, topics, and techniques that can be used through out the rest of your life. I became even more comfortable with excel and was able to go “behind-the-scenes” of the drum corps world. I also gained more knowledgeable in the Latin percussion area. Everyday was something new and everyday I was excited about going into work.

Patrick Leeson
Patrick Leeson
Middle Tennessee State University

The two months of summer 2008 I spent at Pearl Corporation was a very rewarding experience. I felt very much at home and felt as if I was a co-worker. The best way to describe the people at Pearl is a family with a strong business and professional aspect. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. At any given morning, I would be greeted by at least fifteen people. If I had a problem, I could talk to whoever I needed to talk to and they gave me the attention I needed. It was a laid back, but very professional environment. People at Pearl come in to work and they get things done, but they all enjoy their jobs and enjoy their time there. I greatly appreciated this aspect of the company. The experience I received further opened my mind to the world of percussion. While my area was in drumset, I also appreciated working with the percussion aspect as well. The tasks I performed were very important to Pearl, its employees, and its rapid growth in the percussion industry. I only wish I could have spent longer than two months interning at Pearl. I will surely keep in contact with the great individuals there and would love to work there after I graduate. It was a very rewarding experience that I will remember for years to come in the start of my career in music business.