Isac Jamba

Isac Jamba - Photo: Cristopher Bechtold

Isac Jamba


Isac Jamba


Country:   United States Category:   DRUMSET ARTISTS


Born in the city of Ipatinga – MG Brazil, 38 years old Christian, married, 04/06/1983 Self-taught musician started his first steps in drums at age 5 being influenced by his mother (guitarist and vocalist of Samba e Choro), who since the age of 3 years he put the guitar on his lap while listening to the classics of choro and samba and also being influenced by the whole family as most of his family are musicians.


Since then the drummer has always worked with several bands and singers from Brazil as well as a free lance involving various styles and artists from Brazil. The drummer has worked with several renowned artists.


Being a musician of great quality and competence, he was always invited by bodies that administered competitions related to music, where he was invited to participate in the panel of judges.


He left his mark on more than 80 records spread across Brazil. Always looking to innovate, he participated in several Workshops and Master Class of musicians from all over the world, without forgetting to point out that the musician has already ministered and teaches several Workshops.


After this experience, ISAC Jamba founded the JAMBA Battery Institute, known throughout Brazil as Portas Abertas. The institute reached more than 60 enrolled students.


The drummer stood out in festivals of international repercussion, such as Odery and Moderm Drummer, going to the final recycling 3000 participants for 10 finalists and being the winner of the BDMG young musician.


Isac Jamba participated in several social projects throughout his professional career, in public schools, day care centers, partner projects. Currently Isac Jamba lives in Florida and has been using Brazilian music in the United States.

Equipment Configuration

Session Studio Select

Nicotine Marine Pearl


20x14 bass drum

12x8 rack tom

14x14 floor tom

14x6.5 snare drum