Yves Lajoie
The Kry
The Kry is: Jean-Luc Lajoie – Lead vocal and acoustic guitars. Yves Lajoie – drums and backing vocals- Yves and Jean-Luc were born in Quebec City, Canada. They started playing music at a young age. Yves got his first drum kit and jean-Luc his first guitar at around age 5. They grew up playing music in their parent's basement and, invested quite a bit of their teenage years playing, writing and dreaming about the day when they could do this for a living! The Lajoie brothers did their first official show when Yves was 15 and Jean-Luc was 14. It was an all Beatles music concert.
During their late teens they started a new band which they called "One Way" (only, at that time, it was the wrong way). After writing original songs and practicing cover songs they started playing the bar scene in Quebec. That got old and they started dreaming about making it big in the USA. They knew that the one place on earth to "make it" was called Hollywood. In the summer of 1988, Jean-Luc got as hold of a cousin who had moved from Quebec to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She offered to help them move toward the "Promised Land" of Hollywood. That sounded good to the aspiring young musicians. Little did they know that they were on their way to meet their Savior.
After more than a year of the bar scene in Albuquerque, the band was going nowhere. The guys were getting along less and less, and the money was not being saved, but was spent on a partying lifestyle. Jean-Luc decided to get some extra work. One day, as he was looking for his usual rock station on his Walkman, he went "too far" on the dial and ended up on a Christian station. His ear caught what the preacher was quoting; "unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Heaven". That aroused his curiosity and so he stayed there to listen to what this guy was saying. He eventually went to the church and after a couple of times he went forward at an altar call. One Way broke up and Yves, feeling sorry for his brother and his newfound faith, decided to stay in the US with him. Jean-Luc shared with him but Yves was heavily into the partying scene and was not interested. Yves eventually moved to Houston, TX. He was up late one night channel surfing and he stopped on a Christian TV station. The next couple of nights he kept tuning back to that station. His curiosity was peaked as well by the message that was being shared. God was knocking! The TV preacher was sharing the simple message of the gospel. Yves' heart was taken. The preacher was leading the people watching in a prayer to accept Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior. Yves decided that he would do the same thing his brother had done just nine months ago. He had now become a new creation.
The next day, Yves called his brother to tell him what had happened and asked him to come and get him out of Houston to go back to Albuquerque. They started going to Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque and started growing in the Lord. The youth pastor of that church needed some musicians to help his Tuesday night youth group meeting. He asked Jean-Luc and Yves to join him in leading worship. They had regular meetings with the leaders in the youth group. Pete Nelson (guitar for The Kry until 2000) and Jean-Luc got together after a leader's meeting for the youth group at Pete's house and wrote a song together: "Letter of Love". This became a song on their first album. After that, the three of them started writing songs and playing around the city for different youth rallies. The rest is HIS-story.
God has never stopped doing new and exciting things. Many years later things have changed. Their sound has changed. Their location has changed from Albuquerque to San Diego to Chino Hills. Their lives have changed. Their purpose, however, remains the same. Their purpose is to provide believers with a tool (music) to reach the unsaved and to provide a place (concert) to hear the message of Jesus. They want to see people come to Christ through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The heart of The Kry has always been to be ministers of The Word through the powerful medium of music to bring people to knowledge of God's character and give them an opportunity to hear and consider the gospel of Jesus. In concert, they usually give everyone an opportunity to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and experience the freedom of living on earth with the hope of Heaven. They consider themselves ministers first who have been given the vehicle of music as a natural platform to present a portion of their ministry.
Both Yves and Jean-Luc currently serve as pastors at their home church, Yves as a college and career pastor and, jean-Luc as a Worship Pastor/leader. They obviously have a love for worship and are also working on new music all the time….look for their new album in the coming months…. Thanks for reading! The Kry.
Equipment Configuration