Shi De Heng
Independent / Pu Shu
Born on 1980. Originally from Beijing, China.
Experiences as a drummer for over 25 years.
Joined the band as drummer and band leader of Chinese singer Pu Shu on 2012, participated in more than 100 national tour and music festivals in the 5 years, and more to come.
Join the band "New Pants" as drummer on 2006, participated in the recording of their two albums <Savage Love>, < GO EAST>, performed in the official MV, and participated in the
national tour, and other performances in the UK, USA, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and many other cities. On April 2011, performed on Coachella with the band, in which became the first Asian drummer who performed there.
Started the band "Convenience Store" on 2001, which became one of the typical pop rock band in China since then. Signed with the record company "Modern Sky", and released two albums <FIVE STAR>, <TV Monkey>.
2012 年⾄今
2012 年加⼊中国歌⼿朴树乐队,并担任⿎⼿以及乐队队⻓,12 年内参与了三百余场全国巡 演和⾳乐节。
2006 年加⼊“新裤⼦”乐队并担任⿎⼿,参与录制了两张专辑《Savage Love》《GO EAST》,在官⽅ MV 中参与表演,并参加了全国巡演,以及在英国、美国、澳⼤利亚、新加坡、⾹港、澳⻔等多个城市的演出。2011 年 4 ⽉,与乐队⼀起在科切拉⾳乐节上演出,并成为第⼀位在那⾥演出的亚洲⿎⼿。
2001 年成⽴“便利商店”乐队,成为中国典型的流⾏摇滚乐队之⼀。与唱⽚公司“摩登天空” 签约,并发⾏了两张专辑《五星》《电视猴⼉》。