Tomoaki Yasunaga
日本センチュリー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者
Greyson Nekrutman
Daigo Yamaguchi
People in the Box
Justin Mabry
Mars Hill University
Matt Keown
The Percussion Collective, icarus Quartet
Dennis Chambers
Drum Legend
Sam Um
The Percussion Collective
Erik Fleuren
Legion of the Damned
Neeraj Mehta
Percunova, City University Of New York
Hitoshi Takuma
京都市交響楽団 副首席打楽器奏者
Olivier Monteils
Bounce4, independent
Diego Galeri
Timoria, Miura
Alexis Von Kraven
Jimmy Adams
Farewell 2 Fear
Tubby Wadsworth