Nomar Negroni
Negroni Trio
Tubby Wadsworth
John Lluvera
The Grid Book
Luca Dechert
Mehnersmoos, KIKI, Independent
Danny Soulier
Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra, The University of Utah
Toru Yamada
新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 打楽器奏者
Eiji Kikuchi
The Yellow Monkey
DeCarlos Davis
Nanako Shino
マルチパーカッショニスト, 黒田卓也(Tp.)、森岡賢、出口雅之
Jamie Rogan
Billy Currington
Alex Beltran
Boston Crusaders, United Percussion, University of Cincinnati
Kenwood Dennard
Independent, Berklee
Timothy Adams
University of Georgia