A Unique Sonic Dichotomy
Taking a tip from the Masterworks spectrum, Session Studio Select’s unparalleled shell combination of Masters-grade hardwood (4-ply Birch outer) and softer imported tonewood (2-ply African Mahogany inner) strikes a unique tonal dichotomy between top-end power and warm controlled resonance.

Luxuriant Sound and Sizzle
A unique sonic dichotomy of smooth low end projection and pre-EQ’d punch.
Shallow and Sharp
Outer 60° bearing edge increases volume without harsh overtones.
The Shell That Keeps Giving
Premium finish outside with the look of dark Mahogany inside.
An Efficient, Luxurious Complement.
The Session tradition of value lives on with a strong hardware selection that holds up to the heaviest strike of the stick.

OptiMount Tom Isolation System
A solid, flexible four point suspension mount for prime shell resonance.
RL Lugs
A simple, sleek lug that adds weight to the shell for increased volume.
2.3mm Superhoop II Hoops
Made for tuning integrity and maximum shell resonance in performance.
An Elite Percussion Instrument from Every Angle.
Each Session snare is made to complement the warm tone of the total Session Studio Select kit. Its fat tonal bite works well as part of any setup and in any musical situation.

EvenPly Six Birch/Mahogany Shell
Masters-grade Birch and Mahogany for focused pop.
CL Bridge Lugs
The classic bridge lug with low shell contact for minimal shell restriction.
SR017 Snare Strainer
Quick, simple function delivers effortless snare and sensitivity control.
A Choice of High-End Looks.
Session Studio Select offers you the option of a striking High-Gloss Lacquer finish or Premium Wraps from Delmar USA.

Inspiring Gloss Lacquers
The beauty of Birch is accentuated by our 28-Step Lacquering Process.
Oysters, Pearls, and Chromes
Select Premium wrapped finishes from Delmar USA.
A Refined Standout
Session's high-end look and superb sound inspire sublime performances.
