

Indianapolis, IN


Indianapolis, IN

Country:   United States Category:   MARCHING ARTISTS


Veritas, a program of 317 Performing Arts, is a WGI Independent World Class ensemble based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The PIW ensemble brings together college and high school students from Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Ohio.  Students in the program rehearse about 24 hours a weekend during the months of October - April. Veritas participants are chosen through a rigorous audition process and compete throughout Indiana and Ohio. The ensemble performs a program about 10 minutes in length on a gym floor complete with professional staging, costuming, makeup and choreography.

Veritas' Gear

Pearl Marching

14"x12" Championship CarbonCore FFX Snare Drums

Championship CarbonCore Tenors

Championship Maple Bass Drums

CX Airframe Carriers

Advanced Marching Hardware


Adams Percussion

4.6, 5.0 Octave Artist Marimbas (MAHF46, MAHF50)

3.5 Octave Soloist Xylophone (XSKF35)

3.0 Octave Concert Vibraphone (VCSF30)

3.3 Octave Artist Glockenspiel (GAF33)

40" x 22" Concert Bass Drum (ABDF4022)