Reference One

Drum Set Series Snare Drums

Reference One

Discover a Nuanced, Refined Snare Drum Sound with Reference One.


Drum Set Series Snare Drums

Reference One

Comprised of the choicest panels of premium Birch and North American Maple from Pearl's Masterworks veneer vault, Reference One Snare Drums deliver projection, tone, and sensitivity in any musical sphere.


Model Number

(Premium Finish)


(Custom Finish)


By leveraging specific woods, shell thicknesses, and bearing edges exactly where they are most sonically beneficial within a drum set, Pearl's Reference Series originated the modern hybrid drum concept. Building upon this legacy and adding revolutionary enhancements in mounting and shell hardware, Pearl takes the hybrid drum concept to new, unprecedented heights. 

Ultra-thin combination of Masterworks-grade North American Maple and Birch, the 5.4mm EvenPly Six Reference One shell delivers a warm, resonant quality with heightened top-end pop at the strike.

Ultra-Sound "I" type snare wires are used to further increase sensitivity and sizzle by focusing snare tension on the center wires.







6-ply 5.4mm Maple (4-ply Outer) Birch (2-ply Inner)


MasterCast Die-Cast 




Single Swivel Lugs  



Stainless Steel


SR-1000 Glide-Lock


SN-1420I  Ultra-Sound "I"-Type


MasterCast Hoops

A strong, reliable Die-Cast hoop for increased volume, attack, and overtone control.

Single Swivel Lugs

Self-aligning STL-100 Swivel Lugs reduce hardware contact on the shell.

SR-1000 Glide Lock Strainer

(US Patent #7220905, #7301087, #7365256) Its locking throw-off lever and corresponding tension knob assure slip-free performance and quick, push button release action. 

Even 6-ply Shell

Even 6-ply North American Maple (4-ply Outer) Birch (2-ply Inner) shell delivers focused sensitivity.

Premium Tier Finishes

#100 Wine Red

#102 Natural Maple

#103 Piano Black

#109 Arctic White

#110 Sequoia Red

#111 Matte Natural

#119 Matte Black

#124 Matte Black Mist

#142 Rootbeer Fade

#151 Platinum Mist

#152 Antique Gold

#155 Scarlet Fade

#201 Matte Walnut (Maple)

#310 Brooklyn Burst

#342 Vintage Tobacco Burst

#353 Matte White

#355 Antique Walnut

#359 Twilight Burst

#380 Nature Maple

#382 Nature Walnut

#383 Nature Wine Red

#831 Matte Olive Burst

#844 Satin Rose Gold

#859 Putty Grey

#886 Deep Redburst

#887 Natural Cherry

Custom Tier Finishes

#195 Crystal Rain

#198 Shimmer of OZ

#368 Black Silver Burst

#376 Ultra Blue Fade

#377 Scarlet Sparkle Burst

#393 Purple Craze II

#400 White Marine Pearl

#414 Ice Blue Oyster

#415 Bronze Oyster

#418 Blue Abalone

#422 Matte White Marine Pearl

#453 Platinum Gold Oyster

#736 Turquoise Pearl

#824 Satin Charred Oak

#832 Sapphire Blue Sparkle

#834 Glacier Blue Sparkle

#836 Red Burst Stripe

#839 Red Burst Triband

#843 Osiria Rose Stripe

#850 Aqua Turquoise Stripe

#854 White Ice Swirl

#855 Black Oyster Swirl

#856 Red Oyster Swirl

#857 Sunburst Redstripe

#858 Kobalt Blue Fade Metallic

#885 Cherry Amber Fade