Mariusz Mocarski
Greg Apple
South Carolina Philharmonic Orchestra
JJ Tartaglia
Skull Fist, Thunderor, Operus
Masahiro Okada
読売日本交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者
Gene Koshinski
University of Delaware, Quey Percussion Duo
Manami Kakudo
音楽家 / 打楽器奏者, cero (サポート)
Gianna Tam
Drums United, independent, session
Christophe "Tof" Rossini
Trio Cover, UK on The Rocks
Tim Feeney
California Institute of the Arts
Chris Thompson
Alarm Will Sound, Acme, Line C3
Stefano Marazzi
independent, teacher
Chicho Nishino
パーカッショニスト, 木村優一&スペシャルソース
GustBoyz, Aural Vampire