Lucas Sanchez
Palm Beach Symphony, Florida Grand Opera
Michael LaMattina
Dayton Philharmonic, Miami University
Laurent Pesenti
Double Drum’s Music School, Blackout Tribute to Scorpions, Outblack, independent, session
Berliner Äcademy für Marching Drums
Keita Shinbo
Jayden Mason
Aversions Crown
Senne Jacobs
Evil Invaders
Josh Torres
Center Grove High School
Tatsushi Kimura
東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
Lamon Lawhorn
Virginia State University
Brian Stackhouse
Oklahoma Baptist University
Hubert Motteau
Takao Okumura
ティンパニ・打楽器奏者 / 元京都市交響楽団 首席打楽器奏者
Valerie Dee Naranjo
The Lion King, Saturday Night Live Band
John Wooton
The University of Southern Mississippi
Moritz Müller
The Intersphere