Mitsunori Kanbe
Dan Karas
Grand Rapids Symphony
Alexander Kasiarum
session, studio, educator
Ayano Kataoka
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Peter Kates
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
Kuniko Kato
International Soloist
Jai Row Kavi
Blackstratblues / Independent
Tatsuya Kawase
新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者
Will Kennedy
Will Kennedy
Yellowjackets / Jazz Legend
Matt Keown
The Percussion Collective, icarus Quartet
Dan Kerby
Bliss N Eso, 28 Days, DK Drums Academy
Eiji Kikuchi
Tatsushi Kimura
東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
Rainer "Elute" Kind
Matthias Reim
Wardell King
Vision Percussion
John Kinzie
Colorado Symphony Orchestra, University of Denver
Hermann Kock
Two Man Group, Sagmeister Trio, Ed Sperber Big Band
Baard Kolstad
Leprous, Rendezvous Point, Kickslip
Kunihiko Komori
International Soloist
Takaaki Kondo
元新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者, 現在、岡山フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 特別首席ティンパニ奏者
Jason Koontz
Eastern Kentucky University
Pete Korpela
Josh Groban, malletSTATION Artist
Danique Kos
independent, session
Gene Koshinski
University of Delaware, Quey Percussion Duo
Kazutoyo Koyabu
ジェニーハイ, 吉本新喜劇ィズ
Alexis Von Kraven
Shoichi Kubo
NHK交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者
Takeshi Kubota
名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
Alex Kuldell
U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Rick Kurasz
Western Illinois University
Kari ”Lacu” Lahtinen
Popeda, Hanoi Rocks
Andrew Lamarche
Miguel Lamas
Dani Martin, independent, sessions
Michael LaMattina
Dayton Philharmonic, Miami University
Garrett Lambert
Pace High School
Pierrick Lambert
H-TAAG, independent