Kratos Mou
Cryogenic Defilement
Kratos Mou is the drummer for Cryogenic Defilement and the founder of Thearchy Misanthrope Studio. He started playing drums in 2012 and was influenced by George Kollias from NILE to explore death metal. In his career, he practiced drums for 9-12 hours as a daily routine because he knew he had a slower start than others.
He met Derek Tak Chan, the vocalist of Cryogenic Defilement, who became his most important person of his drum career. Derek challenged him to be more precise and faster than “plug-in drums”, which would allow him to reach even more extreme levels.
Kratos Mou has been studying the drumming techniques of Technical Death Metal and Slamming Brutal Death Metal to achieve faster and more aggressive beats. He reached a speed of 370 bpm in Blastbeats in 2016 and became a well-known extreme metal drummer in the city.
Due to the lack of acceptance of metal music in the city and the deficiencies in music education, people tend to have a closed mindset and cannot absorb the true culture of metal music. Kratos Mou has been forced to move his studio multiple times in his drumming career, including one time on a rooftop during Super Typhoon "Mangkhut" when he was hit by steel bars. His right ring and pinky fingers were severed, and he received 20 stitches in the hospital. However, he did not give up and continued to train his right hand to return to normal. Today, people can no longer see the damage his right hand once suffered. He believes that humans can surpass mechanical drums and has been actively promoting extreme metal music in the city, creating a blastbeats craze.
In 2012, he used a Pearl Export drum set. To keep up with his skills, he met Ger Tsang, who believed the Kratos Mou should upgrade his drum set to an epic one. After discussing it step by step with Ger, in 2021, Mou decided to replace his old setting to a Pearl Masterworks battleship drum set in a single night, also his rack with a Pearl one in the same year. Ger promised to be the Drum Tech for this drum set for Mou's entire life, for every performance and video.
In 2023, Kratos Mou knows about the release of the Demon XR series of double pedals by Pearldrums. After trying it out once through an introduction from Kulo Ming at Tom Lee, he couldn't help but choose this new double pedal.
The Demon XR provides him with faster and more precise rebound and attack power. His main foot technique is the swivel technique, which is extremely physically demanding and has a limited maximum speed. However, when using the DEMON XR, he can achieve an increase in speed due to its perfect levering ability, and it also has a lower physical load.
"Fast, faster, and even faster!" - Kratos Mou