Duan Si Li

Duan Si Li_Zero Band_OM Band

Duan Si Li

Zero Band / OM Band

Duan Si Li

Zero Band / OM Band

Country:   China Category:   DRUMSET ARTISTS


Famous Chinese drum player,She began to play the drum at the age of 5, and set up a girl band at the age of 17. She was the only female drummer invited to perform solo at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th China International Drummer Festival. During numerous percussion competitions in China, she was invited to give her own special drum solo concert. In addition to performing and lecturing, Sara has also served as the judge of China Jazz Drum Competition finals for many times. In 2013, Sara accepted the invitation of the famous Chinese rock band, Zero Band, to join the band on a national concert tour. In 2015, Sara Women's Jazz Orchestra, the only female jazz orchestra in China, was established under its own name to perform in special drum concerts. In 2020, she formed OM·Band.
Sara was born in Beijing. Her father is a first-generation musician in China. Influenced by her father, she has been influenced by music since childhood. From the beginning of learning the drum set, she has a strong interest, from then on out of control, began to indulge and specialize in drum set playing, and show the drum set playing talent.


作为极具影响力的女鼓手,她5岁开始打鼓,6岁加入北京少年银帆艺术团开始舞台表演,打鼓时间超过20年。17岁组建女子乐队,是第2,3,4届中国国际鼓手节唯一受到邀请进行独奏表演的女鼓手,在中国众多的打击乐比赛期间,受到邀请进行个人专场爵士鼓独奏音乐会。除了演出、讲学以外,段丝梨还多次担任中国爵士鼓大赛决赛的评委,2013年接受中国著名摇滚乐队,零点乐队(Zero Band)的邀请,加入零点乐队进行全国演唱会巡演。在已经拥有女子乐队的同时,2015年又以自己的名字组建了中国唯一的女子爵士鼓乐团,"段丝梨女子爵士鼓乐团"进行爵士鼓专场音乐会的演出!2020组建了OM·Band(欧姆乐队)。
80后的段丝梨(Sara)是一个北京女孩儿,父亲是中国第一代音乐人,从小便受到音乐熏陶的她,在父亲的影响下5岁便开始学习打击乐和钢琴,⻓久的 音乐学习和良好的音乐环境让她对于音乐有着难以言说的热爱。15岁一次偶然的机会,让她对爵士鼓产生了浓厚的兴趣,从此便一发不可收拾,开始醉心并专攻于爵士鼓演奏,并显现出爵士鼓的演奏天赋。



Drum Set - Masterworks

9”x10”,10”x12,10”x13” tom

14”x14”,14”x16” Floor Tom

14”x6.5” Snare

22”x18” Bass Drum


Drum Pedal

P-3002C Double Pedal


Drum Set - Masters Maple Complete

10x7,12x8 Tom

16x16 Floor Tom

14x5.5 Snare

22x18 Bass Drum