Satoshi Takazato
Timothy Genis
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston University
Zacky Tsoukas
Independent, session
Christos Rafalides
Manhattan Vibes, malletSTATION Artist
Kari ”Lacu” Lahtinen
Popeda, Hanoi Rocks
Tatsushi Kimura
東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
Taha Ahmed
Monarch Independent
Raphaël Mercier
Mass Hysteria
Kasem Thipayametrakul
Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra
JC "Bulu" Viloria
The Soul of New York’s Spanish Harlem, session
John Shaw
The Florida Orchestra, St. Petersburg College
Bill Etling
Angola Indoor Percussion, Metropolitan School District of Steuben County
Eric Lebailly
Adagio, Independent
Lynn Coulter
Rita Coolidge, Independent
YoungKyoung Lee
Ball State University