Oregano Percussion
Charles Garner
India Arie
Jai Row Kavi
Blackstratblues / Independent
Rodney Howard
Avril Lavigne
Matt McGuire
The Chainsmokers
Keith Carrick
Utah Symphony
Bill Muter
Tuba Visionary
Horacio Hernandez
Valerio Lucantoni
The Wormhole Experience, independent
Nanako Shino
マルチパーカッショニスト, 黒田卓也(Tp.)、森岡賢、出口雅之
Kratos Mou
Cryogenic Defilement
Paul Casey
American Drum Line Association
Simon Shinozaki
神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 首席ティンパニ・打楽器奏者
John Spirtas
Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra, George Mason University
Neve van Boxsel
Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers