Jared Roberts
Desecrator, Munt, Alarum
Gianna Tam
Drums United, independent, session
Jordan Mather
Make Them Suffer
Campbell Phillips
D²Drumline, Independant
柴原 誠
(公財)新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 打楽器奏者
Timothy Genis
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston University
近藤 高顯
元新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者, 現在、岡山フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 特別首席ティンパニ奏者
Andy Smith
University of Texas at El Paso
Tavarius Johnson
Lalah Hathaway
Myung Ho Wang
Formal Apathy, God of emptiness, Dionysos, Sahon, Vassline, Knockdown, Strikers
Kris Martens
Diablo Blvd., Tangled Horns
Aaron Farris
Father Ryan High School, WGI / DCI
Gregory Daniel
Brian McKnight
Gene Hoglan
Death , Fear Factory, Testament , Zimmers Hole, Dethklok
Kratos Mou
Cryogenic Defilement