Wang Peng

Wang Peng

Wang Peng


Wang Peng


国:   中国 カテゴリ:   ドラムセットアーティスト


Peng Wang is a China-based drummer and producer. He received his Bachelor of Music from Berklee College of Music, where he studied with Grammy winner Terri Lyne Carrington, Victor Wooten, Dennis Chambers, and received full scholarship. At the age of 21, he participated in the Worlds Fastest Drummer competition in the United States and won the world's fastest drummer title, with the fastest record of 28 beats per second (Singel Stroke). As a member of Pearl Endorsed Artist since 2006, Peng participates in Pearl Master class tour in China every year. In 2018, he released his first personal EP "CAVER", including songs in different music style such as EDM, Fusion, Rock, Latin and so on. After graduated from Berklee in 2016, Peng participated in more than 200 Pop music performances as a drummer, and recorded more than ten variety shows in mainland China. Peng is fluent in a huge variety of styles, and has played for more than 60 musicals.

1993年出生,3岁学鼓至今,毕业于美国伯克利音乐学院表演专业,并取得专业Full Scholarship。师从于格莱美得主Terri Lyne Carrington,Victor Wooten,Dennis Chambers等。21岁时在美国参加Worlds Fastest Drummer比赛,并获得WFD世界最快鼓手称号,最快记录28次/秒(Singel Stroke单跳)。自2006年开始代言日本珍珠鼓(Pearl),现为Pearl国际代言人,每年参与Pearl在中国举办的大师课巡演。2018发表个人EP“CAVER”,曲目涵盖EDM、 Fusion、 Rock、 Latin等多种音乐风格。2016年回到中国做为鼓手参与到的流行类演出200+场,各大卫视综艺录制十余个。擅长于多种音乐风格,对不同音乐风格的处理有着独到的见解,曾与超过60位musician合作。


Drum Set
Masterworks Series
Finish: Matte Natural Black Limba with Chrome Hardware
Shells: 2ply maple/ 2ply Black Limba
14x6.5 Snare Drum
16x12 Bass Drum
10x7 Tom
13x12 Floor Tom


Drum Pedal
 Eliminator Redline Chain Drive


Drum Set