Tomo Suzuki a.k.a. Soopy

Tomo Suzuki a.k.a. Soopy


Tomo Suzuki a.k.a. Soopy


国:   日本 カテゴリ:   ドラムセットアーティスト


Soopy is a drummer, percussionist, composer, instructor and business owner based in Kobe, Japan.

Soopy began classical piano lessons at age 5, but switched to drums at age 10, and later began playing a variety of other percussion instruments.
Since his student days, he has experienced not only popular music but also a wide range of genres such as classical music and marching.
At the age of 16, he appeared as a guest on an instructional DVD of the late Kozo Suganuma, one of Japan’s leading drummers.
At the age of 18, he moved his base of activities to the Tokyo meropolitan area, where he later began his professional career.

In 2010, Soopy won second place in PAS International Drumset Competition (R&B, Funk, Gospel Category) of PASIC (Percussive Arts Society International Convention) held in Indianapolis, IN, USA.
After that, he continued his activities mainly in the instrumental music scene in Japan, and also taught at a major music school.
In 2015, he moved his base back to his hometown Kobe.
From 2016 to 2017, he participated in TV commercial songs and performed in many European countries including Copenhagen Jazz Festival (Denmark).
His first solo drum piece "10,000 days”, released on the web in 2018, was shared on the official social accounts of the US drum magazine "Modern Drummer” which is the most influential drum magazine in the world, and received a great response.
In 2019, he opened his own base of activities, a studio in Kobe (relocated and reopened as the current The Drum Room KOBE in 2021).
In 2023, he appeared as a demonstrator at one of the largest percussion events in Japan, “Drummer’s Paradise”.
After several years of preparation, he is now developing his solo performance in a style that is rare in the world.

Soopy has over 10,000 hours of experience in lessons alone, and has taught many foreign students as well as other professionals and TV personalities.
He has been featured in the media, and his teaching has been highly reputed, producing winners of famous contests and students who have been accepted to famous music colleges.

Soopy is an official endorser of Pearl (drums, percussion, hardware and drumsticks), SABIAN (cymbals and metal percussion),
REMO (drumheads), Vic Firth (mallets, brushes and beaters) and Xvive (audio equipments).







2010年には「PASIC(全米打楽器国際コンベンション)」内のドラムセット・コンペティション(R&B, Funk, Gospel部門)にて準優勝。
2010年台前半はドラムパフォーマンス集団「鼓和-CORE-」や、ジャズピアニストの桑原あい氏率いる「ai kuwabara trio project」などで活動し、大手音楽教室の講師も務めた。
2016~2017年にはテレビCM曲への参加や、「Copenhagen Jazz Festival(デンマーク)」を含む欧州各地での演奏を経験。
2018年にウェブで公開した自身初のソロドラム作品「10,000 days」は、
米国のドラム専門誌「Modern Drummer」の公式SNSアカウントでも拡散され、大きな反響を呼んだ。
2019年、自身の活動拠点となるスタジオを神戸市内にオープン(2021年に現在の「The Drum Room KOBE」として移転オープン)。

これまでの共演者には(以下敬称略)、Steve Allee(pf / ex. Buddy Rich Orchestra)、David Matthews(pf / Manhattan Jazz Orchestra)、納 浩一(b)、クリヤ・マコト(pf, key)、黒沢ダイスケ(g / ex. コナミデジタルエンタテインメント)、高木里代子(pf)、南 里沙(hca)、向井志門(sax / オーサカ=モノレール)、元晴(sax / ex. SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS)、吉田沙良(vo / モノンクル) などがいる。


パール楽器製造株式会社(Pearl/SABIAN/REMO/Vic Firth/Xvive)公式アーティスト。


  • twitter



Color: White Marbleized Over Purple
(Special Custom Finish)
24”×16” Bass Drum
18”×15” Bass Drum
14”×14” Floor Tom (w/JG-16NK)
6”×7” Tom
6”×7” Tom
8”×7” Tom
8”×7” Tom
8”×7” Tom
10”×7” Tom
12”×8” Tom
13”×9” Tom
14”×11” Floor Tom
15”×12” Tom
16”×13” Floor Tom
18”×14” Gong Drum


P1. P-3002CL for Rattler
P2. P-3002DL for 14”FT
P3. RH-2000 for 18”HH
P4. P-3000D for Cowbell
P5. RH-2000 for 14”HH
P6/P7. P-3002DL (w/short drive shaft) for 18”BD
P8. RH-2000 for 13”HH
P9. P-3000D for Clave Block
P10. P-3002D for 24”BD
P11. P-3002C for 17”CR


▼SABIAN CYMBALS & Metal Percussion
A. 18” AA Sick Hats
B. 9” HH Radia Cup Chime
C. 8” HH Radia Cup Chime
D. 12” AA Mini Holy China [B] + 12” AAX Aero Splash [B]
E. 14” HHX Compression Hats
F. 7” Vault Radia Cup Chime
G. 14” HHX Thin Crash [B]
H. 7” HHX Evolution Splash [B]
I. 12” AAX Aero Splash [B]
J. 6” AAX Splash [B]
K. 8” AAX Air Splash [B] + 8” AA Mini Holy China [B]
L. 10” HHX Evolution Splash [B]
M. 10” HHX Fierce Hats
N. 8” AA Mini Holy China [B] + 8” AAX Aero Splash [B]
O. 13” HHX Fierce Hats (top) / 13” AAX X-Celerater Hats [B]
P. 19” Paragon Chinese [B]
Q. 17” HHX X-Treme Crash [B]
R. 10” HH Alien Disc
S. 17” HHX Evolution Effeks Crash [B]
T. 18”×26” Thundersheet Percussion
U. Finger Cymbals
*”[B]” means Brilliant Finish


Ambassador Smooth White (6”-10”TT)
Emperor Smooth White (12”-16”TT&FT)
Ambassador Smooth White Bass Drumhead (24”BD)
Emperor Smooth White Bass Drumhead (18”BD and 18”GD)
*Soopy also uses other drumheads
Configuration of Soopy’s Masterworks Kit
Total Number of Instruments: 50 (15 drums, 26 cymbals)
Total Weight: approx. 260kg (excluding mics)
Pitch Range of Drums:
3 Octaves and Minor 3rd (F1/43.7 Hz to G#4/415.3 Hz)


Reference (20”×16”BD, 15”×13”FT, 13”×11” TT, 10”×8”TT, 13”×5.5”SD)


HHX 18" Fierce Crash
HHX 16" X-Treme Crash
HHX 19" Omni
HHX 10" Fierce Hats
HHX 13" Fierce Hats
HH 7" Radia Cup Chime
HH 8" Radia Cup Chime
HH 9" Radia Cup Chime


Emperor Ebony
Emperor Black Suede
Powerstroke P3 Black Suede
Ambassador Clear etc.


VIC FIRTH  SD6 "Swizzle B"
VIC FIRTH  Legacy Brush
カスタム The Drum Room KOBEモデル


Masters MCT (12”×9”SD, 14”×9”TT)
Bala Bell - Mambo Bell (BCM-7)
SABIAN  AAX 10" Air Splash