Olivier Monteils
Bounce4 / independent
Child of jazz and classical music, graduate of The Los Angeles Musician's Institute, it is in the Pop-rock and world scene that Olivier Monteils affirms his talent as a musician and creates a vast musical culture. His groove attracts numerous artists with whom he collaborates on stage and also in studio for majors like: Ray Charles, Véronique Sanson, Florent Pagny, Catherine Lara, John Ellison, Gloria Gaynor, les Charts, Paco Séry, Mokhtar Samba, Princesse Erika, Mellowman, Erik Karol, Keith B Brown, Joe Louis Walker, Amar Sundy... In 2005, drawing inspiration from all the melodies and rhythms he encountered in the course of his career, he composed the sound track of the Richard Bohringer film "C'est beau une ville la nuit". With his band BOUNCE4, pop electro band, that he founded, he is preparing a new album for the year 2020.
