Colin Hill
Tennessee Tech University, BluHill Percussion Duo
Josh Torres
Center Grove High School
Dan Kerby
Bliss N Eso, 28 Days, DK Drums Academy
Ivan Trevino
University of Texas at Austin, malletSTATION Artist
Phillip O'Banion
Temple University
Jerry Tachoir
Duo Tachoir, Group Tachoir, malletSTATION Artist
Danny Soulier
Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra, The University of Utah
Zane Rosanoski
Mammal, East York
Florent Marcadet
Carpenter Brut
安永 友昭
日本センチュリー交響楽団 首席ティンパニ奏者
Alexis Von Kraven
Alex Kuldell
U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps
Sandbox Percussion
Bevan Davies
Danzig, Dirty Pollyanna, MonstrO, Comes With The Fall